Welcome to the Fox News Opinion Newsletter. To receive this newsletter in your email, subscribe here.TUCKER CARLSON - If you had to isolate one single tragedy that's produced the highest casualty rate in the United States, you'll probably have to be the opioid crisis... Continue reading... WHAT RECESSION? - Biden, Yellen and other Democrats want to change the definition of a recession but they can't change the facts... Continue reading... NEWSOM IN 2024? Gavin Newsom wants Joe Biden's job. Here are 6 reasons why that's a horrible idea... Continue reading... BEYOND VACCINES - Biden's COVID diagnosis is proof vaccines alone aren't enough to fight the virus... Continue reading... GREG GUTFELD - Some people want to call you a racist so badly that they'll become a racist to do it... Continue reading... PROGESSIVE POST-ROE SPIN - Ignore myths from left on ectopic pregnancy, more. Here are the facts from an OB/GYN... Continue reading... CRIPPLING OUR MILITARY - The Biden administrations' COVID vaccine mandates could seriously hamper our National Guard... Continue reading... STOP THE SPEND - It's time to tie congressional pay to inflation as a way to stop Congress' insane overspending... Continue reading... VIDEO OF THE DAY - Sean Hannity says, "no president in modern American history has worked less than Joe Biden... Watch now... FED UP WITH CRIME - Here's why the Dorn murder conviction is important... Continue reading... CARDINAL TIMOTHY DOLAN - Why is society in trouble? Here is the simple one-word answer... Continue reading... GIVING THE UNBORN A CHANCE - The Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling matters more than ever because it finally gives unborn chance for legal protection... Continue reading... CARTOON OF THE DAY - Here to Help. Check out all of our political cartoons... |
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